It has now been definitely decided to hold a Junior Dance some time after the mid-year examination period. The affair will be less elaborate than in former years, and strictly in accordance with the spirit of "informality" so prevalent in Cambridge.
To make this dance a success will mean co-operation from every Junior. The old method of giving carpenters full sway in the Union for two or three days must be abolished now that the Union is taking Memorial's place as a dining-hall. There will be but little chance for decorations unless the men who normally eat in the Union volunteer to leave for the terrors of a Jimmie's bread-line. Something radical must be done because it is impossible to have a dance in a place which has acquired the gentle aroma of a Holt's Cafeteria.
All of which is merely a suggestion for the men who eat in the Union to evacuate for one or two days before the dance. Otherwise it will be difficult to arrange decorations. Our dances have never been as elaborate as Yale Proms., but we have no right to ask fair ladies to come to any but a well-managed party. Doubtless they will feel even kindlier toward 1919 when they know that its members have gone foodless for several days in order that the Union could be shifted from a dining-hall to a palace of mirth and gaiety. The men in the Union would do the Class of 1919 a favor if they banded together and decided to retire from their base of supplies for strategic reasons. We ask a great deal, but without such compliance the Junior Dance may be doomed.
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