
Don't Worry About Your Boy.


The impression prevails in America that enlistment or conscription in the Army means the probable death of the soldier in battle. It has even been stated that an Allied officer at the front has only so many days to live; that the life of a man in the trenches is a matter of a limited number of days.

The impression is false, and the statements are lies. The death rate in the Allied armies on the western front is only about four times that of the same age, in civil life--and there are many occupations of peace which are no less hazardous than the occupation of making war.

On the authority of the Equitable Life Insurance Company we have it that less than 21,000 out of nearly 500,000 Canadians who have been sent overseas have been killed. This is only about four per cent.--and many of the Canadians have been in action for nearly three years. Perhaps more to the point is the case of the French army, whose definite casualties (included killed, prisoners and missing) were reduced to only 1.28 per cent, in the last half of 1916. It is safe to assume that the American Army will make use of the experience of the French Army and that its casualties will be no higher--if, indeed, we are not able to reduce them.

Don't worry about your son, your brother or your sweetheart who is in the Army. He may perhaps be killed or hunt, but there are 96 chances out of 100 that he will come back to you--and in the great majority of cases he will be better physically, mentally and morally for his experience. Galesburg Evening Mail
