In a recent statement to the Yale News, E. D. Brandegee '81, Regent of the University, favors strongly the idea of a Junior dance this winter, provided it coincides with "the spirit of the times" and provided that there is no undue extravangce. Dean McLenahan of Princeton, in a similar statement, has expressed much the same sentiments, saying that a dance has been held at Princeton already, and that it was considered successful.
The complete statement of Mr. Brandegee follows:
"Recently the Executive Committee of the Student Council at their regular meeting discussed for the first time the question of giving a Junior dance. What may be the general sentiment of the Junior class I am not in a position to say. From what I am able to learn from some members of the class, I am inclined to think that when the question comes up for decision it will be apt to be favorable. From the point of view of an officer of the college, I see no objection to the dance, provided it is carried out in consonance with the spirit of the times. It should, in my judgement, have the air of a military ball--students in the uniform of their organizations--and college decorations should give way to the flags of the Allies. Above all the ball should be conducted in as simple a manner as possible and with the least expense."
A committee of Juniors will meet shortly to discuss the problem and announcement will be made as soon as any decision is reached.
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