


The nation-wide drive for increased membership in the American Red Cross will begin simultaneously in all the cities, towns and districts of the United States this morning, and as a part of this movement, an undergraduate campaign for membership will be launched in the University to last until Friday night. There are now five million members of the Red Cross in this country, and ten million new members, exclusive of renewals, are wanted in this drive scheduled for the week before Christmas. One million new members is the quota assigned to New England, outside of Connecticut; the University's share must be comparatively large to assist in obtaining this number.

The object of this drive is merely to gain as many memberships as possible, and no attempt will be made to get large contributions. The price of membership will be $1, and no one will be asked to give more than this nominal fee. Anyone who has not subscribed since October 1 is expected to join or renew, since this membership is for the year 1918 and does not expire until December, 1918. A receipt and a button will be given for all dollar membership fees paid to the canvassers.

The University campaign is in charge of R. E. Gross '19, and anyone who would like to help in the work should see him at Randolph 37. The following committee has been selected to carry on the drive: H. R. Atkinson '21, J. J. Albright '19, G. C. Barclay '19, C. F. Batchelder '20, W. P. Belknap '20, J. C. Bolton '20, C. Canfield '19, W. W. Claflin '20, J. G. Coolidge '20, H. F. Gibbs '20, G. W. Howe '21, D. B. Hull '19, R. McA. Lloyd '19, W. J. Louderback, Jr., '20, E. A. McCouch '20, W. W. McLeod '19, J. A. Sessions '21, J. Stubbs '20, M. A. Taylor '19, A. F. Tribble '19 and O. C. Wood '20.
