

Plans for Forming Team This Winter Will Be Discussed at H. A. A.

All members of the University, both Freshmen and upperclassmen, who are interested in the formation of a rifle team will meet at the H. A. A. at 7 o'clock this evening. Although rifle teams in the past have never been directly organized by the Athletic Association, F. W. Moore '93, Graduate Treasurer, has stated that he would be glad to promote the formation of one this year, especially as the men who acted as officers last year have all left College.

Both University and Freshman rifle teams were formed last year, but the war caused the disbanding of both. Twenty-five candidates reported for the 1920 team, and they practised regularly for five weeks, until the outbreak of war. Negotiations had been made for meets with the Princeton and Yale freshmen.

Practices and home matches were usually held on the Bay State Rifle Range at St. Botolph street, Boston. The shooting was done with the 22-calibre, heavy gallery rifles, at a distance of 50 feet, and candidates were required to shoot and turn in three targets a week.
