


Candidates for the 1917-1918 informal hockey team will report at the Boston Arena at 4.30 o'clock this afternoon for the first practice of the year. All members of the upper classes are eligible, and men who are doubtful in regard to their standing should speak to R. E. Gross '19, who, in the absence of a separate informal coach, will take charge of this afternoon's practice.

The permanent use of the Arena for practice has been secured on Monday and Friday afternoons at 5 o'clock, and if the circumstances warrant it, the informals will play on these days until the closing of the Arena in March. The outside games will probably come on some other day. Although none have been arranged definitely, negotiations are under way with several service teams.

Candidates for the informal seven will be required to furnish a share of their equipment, although enough tights, jerseys and trunks for all members of the squad will be provided. Men must supply their own skates, sweaters, and, if possible, their own sticks. Goal-tenders are expected to equip themselves, but anyone who cannot procure the proper equipment should speak to J. Pickering '19 at 20 Holyoke street.

The first Freshman cut today reduces the squad to 30. In regard to the men who were cut, Coach Gross said that "he hoped all unsuccessful candidates would play on the dormitory sevens which will be formed shortly. If a man shows up well on one of these teams, his chances of being taken up again to the first squad are excellent."

Practice for 1921 will be continued throughout this week in order to get the team in the best possible shape before the Christmas vacation. The first game, with Stone School, is scheduled for January 11, leaving only a week of polishing up after the recess
