
Reserve Officers' Training Corps

Memorandum: Dec. 14, 1917.

Members of the Harvard Reserve Officers' Training Corps who are going to Yaphank will be considered as having finished their military course upon the taking of the final examination and need attend no further drills, lectures or sections for the remainder of the week.

Men should apply as soon as possible for slips which will be receipted and turned in to the office, after they have turned in their clothing to the Armory.


Owing to unsatisfactory results in the first picture the third battalion will have another picture taken at 1 P. M., Tuesday, December 18th, on the steps of Widener Memorial Library.


Military Science I and II.

Drill week December 17-December 22:

Drill will be held at the Commonwealth Armory, Commonwealth Avenue, near Braves Field, Boston, as follows:

First Battalion: Monday, Dec. 17, 4 to 6 P. M.

Third Battalion: Tuesday, Dec, 18, 4 to 6 P. M.

Second Battalion: Wednesday, Dec, 19, 4 to 6 P. M.

MILITARY SCIENCE II.--Thursday, Dec. 20, 4 to 5.45 P. M.

Special cars will leave Eliot Street, near Smith Hall, at 3.40 P. M. They can be boarded only at this point. The cars will return to Cambridge after drill.

Companies will assemble in the Armory at 4 P. M.

Any man who has a conflict with other college appointments should report for drill to either of the other two battalions.

Men appointed to the Third Series of Officers' Training Camps are excused from the drill on Tuesday, December 18.

Military Science I and II.

Professor R. M. Johnston's lecture on Monday, December 17th, in Sanders Theatre will begin at 7.15 P. M., instead of 7 P. M.   R. G. FULLER.   Regimental Adji.
