Plans for the 1917-18 fencing season are rapidly being completed by E. R. Gay '19, acting captain of the team. At present a series of meets with Y. M. C. A. representatives from neighboring cities is under consideration, and it is probable that the foilsmen will meet the Springfield and Haverhill associations within a short time.
Only one veteran of former University teams has returned this year. Gay, who was on the 1916-17 team, is acting captain and is a strong fencer. A call for new candidates has been issued. The new fencing room in Apthorp House was opened last Wednesday, and from now no practice will be held on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday afternoons of each week. Coach Leslabay, international fencing champion in 1908 and coach of last season's University team, will have charge of the squad again this year. Freshman candidates will receive special attention, and in the early part of May will be eligible for the fencing cup offered annually by P. H. Roberts '16.
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