


A total of 46 lives is the University's offering to the Great War since the time when the European powers began the mobilization of their armies back in 1914. The roll of honor includes former members of the College, the Graduate Schools and the Faculty. Of the 46 who sacrificed their lives, 25 were killed in action, all but one of whom were serving in the allied armies. Among the other several died from wounds received in battle while four went down with the Lusitania on May 7,1915.

The list, which is as complete as available war records permit, is as follows;

P. C. Bentley '17 died of shell injuries in a hospital in France September 17,1917, while in the American Ambulance Service.

A. L. Bliss '16 died of pneumonia in a hospital at Neuilly, France, Febuary22, 1916, while in the American Ambulance Service.

Sir F. W. Borden '68 died at canning, N. S. January 6, 1917, while serving as a surgeon in the Canadian Army.


C. T. Broderick '08, killed in the sinking of the Lusitania, May 5, 1917, while a member of the Belgian Relief Commission.

H. G Bung '13, killed near Festubert, France May 16, 1915, while fighting in the British Army.

C. Chadwick '10, died at Paris, France, July 27, 1916, while engaged in hospital work.

A. H. Chamuchian '11, died at Selimiyeh, Turkey, January 19, 1916, while exiled with other Christian Armenians.

A. C. Champollion '02, killed at Boisle-Pretre, France, March 23, 1915, while in the French Army.

V. E. Chapman '13, killed at verdun, June 23, 1916, while flying in the French Aviation Corps.

A. M. Cleghorn, Assistant in Physiology, University Medical School '98-'00, died in England, March 20,1916, while a captain in the Royal Army Medical Crops.

H. A. Coit '10, died in a military hospital at Poperinghe; Belgium, August 7, 1916, of injuries received while in the French Army.

C. R. Cross, Jr., '03, killed at Dinard, France,, October 8, 1915, while in the American Distributing Service.

H. B. Craig '19, died on the Western front, July 16, 1917, from wounds received while serving in the American Ambulance Corps.
