
First-Year Men Will Hear Dr. Fitch

Dr. Albert Parker Fitch '00, formerly president of the Andover Theological Seminary at the University, and now a professor at Amherst College, will be the speaker before the Freshmen in Smith Halls Common Room Monday night at 7 o'clock. Dr. Fitch will be the tenth in the series of men who have addressed the entering class at these regular Monday evening meetings.

Last year Dr. Fitch spoke before the Class of 1920 several times upon subjects relating to college life. In fact, the present assemblies were originally for the weekly talks which he gave in the Smith Halls Common Room. At the end of last year, however, he left his position at the University to assume a new one at Amherst College. During the summer Dr. Fitch held a post in France as an inspector in the service of the Red Cross. He returned to this country a short time ago from his summer's service board.
