The officers of the Junior and Sophomore Classes and the elected members of the Student Council from 1918, 1919, and 1920 will be elected next Tuesday November 13. The polls and the lists of watchers will be announced later. The complete list of nominations follows:
Class Officers for 1919: President, Cass Canfield, of Roslyn, L. I., N. Y.; Willard Wise McLeod, of Malden; Francis Parkman, of Boston; vice-president, George Daniel Flynn, Jr., of Fall River; William Rice Odell, Jr., of Chicago, Ill.; secretary-treasurer, Robert Ellsworth Gross, of West Newton; James Russell Parsons, of New York, N. Y.; Andrew Feld Tribble, of Kansas City, Mo. Elected members of Student Council (four to be elected): George Carey Barclay, of New York, N. Y.; Alexander Harvey Bright, of Cambridge; George Abbott Brownell, of New York, N. Y.; John Richard Craig, Jr., of Boston: Denison Bingham Hull, of Chicago, Ill.; John Henderson Quirin, of Manchester, N. H.; Philip Zach, of Roxbury.
Class Officers for 1920: President, Augustus Aspinwall, of Chestnut Hill; Arnold Horween, of Chicago, Ill.; Holyoke Lewis Whitney, of Dedham; vice-president, Julian Castle Bolton, of Cleveland, O.; John Gardner Coolidge, 2nd, of Brookline; Thomas Smith Woods, of Boston; secretary-treasurer, Waldron Phoenix Belknap, Jr., of New York, N. Y.; Dexter Clarkson Hawkins, of New York, N. Y.; Burnham Lewis, of Philadelphia, Pa. Elected members of Student Council (one to be elected): Frederic Keil Bullard, of Revere; Edward Cabot, of Milton; Edmund William Pavenstedt, of New York, N. Y.
For elected members of Student Council from 1918 (two to be elected): Powell Mason Cabot, of Brookline; Sewall Nightingale Dunton, of Circleville, O.; Vance Fisher Likins, of Cambridge; David Lord Richardson, of Boston; Frederick Howard Stephens, of Dorchester; Leeds Armstrong Wheeler of Allston.
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