
Debates Changed to Next Week

The interclass debates which were announced for this week have been postponed a week. The new date for the Freshman-Junior debate is Monday, November 12. The Juniors will take the affirmative and the Freshmen the negative side of the question, "Resolved, that in the light of recent events the Monroe Doctrine has become obsolete and should be abolished."

The Senior-Sophomore debate will held on Wednesday, November 14. The Seniors will uphold the negative of the same subject and the Sophomores the affirmative. Both meetings will be held in Sever 11 at 8 o'clock.

A conference to determine the details of the triangular debate will be held at New Haven Thanksgiving. It is settled that there will be a debate with Princeton, but definite word has not been received from Yale. Invitations for debates with the University have been received from many institutions.
