
First Tea Will Be Held Today

The first of this year's series of University Teas will be held in the Parlor of Phillips Brooks House this afternoon from 4 to 6 o'clock. An invitation is extended to all members of the University, who will be most cordially welcomed on these occasions. The Teas will be held throughout December, January and February, with the exception of the Christmas recess and the mid-year examination period.

It is the purpose of these Teas to bring the members of the University into more cordial relationship with the University officers and their wives, and the committee in charge accordingly arranges to have members of the Faculty and their wives present to receive each Friday afternoon.

This afternoon, although all members of the Faculty, instructors, assistants, proctors, and their wives are invited, those whose surnames begin with K, L, or M, have been especially asked to be present.
