The litigation before the Massachusetts Supreme Court in regard to the disposition of the $22,000,000 Gordon McKay Fund was brought to a close yesterday afternoon by the decision of the court in favor of the trustees of the estate. The trustees objected to the use which the University made of the $5,500,000 received by it, and maintained that the intention of Mr. McKay was being defeated by carrying on the engineering courses under the roof of Technology instead of in the buildings and under the sole direction of the University.
In giving a part of this fund to the use of M. I. T., the University acted on the ground that while Technology is not a part of the University to the extent that the other departments are, it is virtually the Harvard School of Applied Science carried on at Tech. Another reason for this action is the fact that the equipment of the University is not adequate for the best kind of a scientific school, and especially one which would be set up in the vicinity of another already successfully established on the same lines. The purpose of the University has been to carry on a Harvard School of Applied Science in Technology's buildings.
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