
The Harvard Regiment.

We saw the Regiment, alert and strong,

In marching line, on Soldiers Field today,

Ah! ready they to battle with the wrong,--

This flower of youth--eager and brave and gay.

And we, on-looking, cheered them as they passed,


And we, down-heartened, prayed a silent prayer,

Gazing upon them with a grim forecast,

And many a sad-eyed mother watched them there.

Proudly they turned, and at attention stood,

Or shouldered arms while war-like music thrilled.

"Alas!" we listened in unhappy mood!

"Why should these boys in martial ways be skilled?"

No comfort for our grieving was revealed,

Until we looked across the valiant line

To the old College, far beyond this Field

That honors men who fell at Freedom's shrine.

"Oh, ancient College, that so long hast bred

Son after son to heed his Country's call.

The answer to our questionings to read--

In yonder Tower of your Memorial Hall."
