

It often happens that when suddenly called upon we rise to situations seemingly beyond our capabilities. In attempting big things there is a certain momentum coincident with the attempt which makes us get there. Today the R. O. T. C. is to be reviewed by the University Military Committee, after a period of training less than two months. On this committee are some of the country's keenelt military critics, men who will be the first to pick flaws in such a body as the R. O. T. C. We feel sure that they will realize the newness of the Corps, but on the other hand we expect the members of the Corps to measure up to an exact standard in spite of their recent initiation into military life. And this because of the ordinary difficulty of impressing favorably such men as compose the University Military Committee.

To pass in review with the evenest ranks may bear little relation to fighting in France, but it does give a good hint as to the general effectiveness of a regiment. The best way to convince the University committee that this Corps is actually more than a mob of enthusiastic boys is to make that review one worthy of praise. It so happens that the members of the committee cannot be present in Cambridge to watch the daily progress of the regiment, and they will naturally judge much from what they see today. Make their impression one which will make them think of the University R. O. T. C. with high favor.
