

Six Men Will Compete in Finals For Medal Offered by Baron de Coubertin.

The debate for the Pasteur Medal offered annually by Baron Pierre de Coubertin for the best speech in English upon some subject of contemporary French politics will be held in the Music Building tonight at 8 o'clock. Six men will each be given 12 minutes to speak on either side of the question: "Resolved, that the French Government should take by taxation all excess profits made by French manufacturers and tradesmen because of the war." The contest is held under the joint auspices of the French Department and the University Debating Council.

M. Charles Cestre, exchange professor from the University of Bordeaux, will preside at the meeting, and Professor C. N. Greenough '98, of the English Department; Professor E. E. Day '09, of the Economics Department, and R. L. Hawkins '03, of the French Department, will act as judges. The six men who were selected at the preliminary trials on November 13 to compete tonight are: L. S. Bing '19, L. Brentano '18, R. T. Bushnell '19, J. Davis '19, W. Hettleman '19 and W. L. Prosser '18.

A musical program by the pupils of the Torrey Studio of Boston will precede the speaking.
