The first of the University teas, which are each year arranged to provide an opportunity for students to meet informally the members of the Faculty and their wives, will be held in the Parlor of Phillips Brooks House Friday afternoon, November 30, from 4 to 6 o'clock.
The committee in charge of the teas this winter consists of the following: Mrs. Abbott Lawrence Lowell, chairman; Mrs. George Pierce Baker, Mrs. Charles Jesse Bullock, Mrs. Edward Waldo Forbes, Mrs. Roscoe Pound, Mrs. Herbert Weir Smyth, Mrs. Irvah Lester Winter.
All members of the University are cordially invited to attend on these occasions. As has been the custom, they will be held each Friday afternoon in December, January and February, with the exception of the Christmas recess and the mid-year examination period.
It is the purpose of these teas to bring the undergraduate and graduate students of the University into a more intimate relationship with the Faculty and their wives. The committee in charge, accordingly, arranges to have professors and their wives present to receive each Friday afternoon. Thus an unusual opportunity is afforded to students to come in contact with those most! prominent and interested in the affairs of the University.
Besides the members of the committee, the administrative officers and their wives who will be present at the teas whenever possible, other members of the Faculty are especially invited to attend in groups of 50 arranged alphabetically.
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