Nov. 22, 1917.
General Orders No. 16:
1. General Orders No. 15 this office are herewith modified and amended as follows:
2. The Review will take place in conjunction with the various naval units at this station, Captain James Parker, U. S. N., will command the Review.
3. Th Review will take place at 3.30 P. M., instead of the hour previously named. Each Battalion commander will have his battalion on the ground in close line or close column at 3.15 P. M.
4. The Harvard Regiment will form on the left of the line. After the various naval units have taken their places in line, the Band and the three battalions of the regiment will be placed successively in position by their several commanders, in line of masses, with intervals reduced to a few paces.
5. After having passed the reviewing stand 50 yards, each company commander will cause his company to take up the double time and continue that rate of marching for about 100 yards.
6. The remaining details will be as set forth in General Orders No. 15. WM. F. FLYNN, Major, U. S. A., Retd., Commanding. Nov. 22, 1917.
Notice to Cadets:
Cadets who have classes which conflict with any of the military exercises must, when possible, transfer to another company, so as to avoid the conflict.
When such transfer is impossible, the cadet should report at Military Headquarters and make arrangements for making up the exercise which is missed.
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