"We expect every British tank to do its damnedest." Such was the message of General Byng, given immediately before the opening of the great battle of Cambrai. The gist of this message was sounded more than a century ago and was followed by a victory as glorious and decisive as is recorded in the history of nations. It came, as in the present instance, at a moment when the enemy was winning successes in every country of Europe, when public opinion was discouraged, and ominous clamors for peace were being heard. But roused by the confidence and determination of their chief, English sailors won undying fame for England. Today in similar circumstances a new leader sounds a new call for action, and in all the Allied countries arise the hopes for a decisive and final blow. Under leaders who have combined military genius and the art of inspiring, the English have never been stopped. The next few days will show whether Haig and Byng can show such a combination.
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Addison to Speak at Memorial Chapel