We have elections of all kinds; social, athletic and executive, but there is only one of intellectual nature and that is to the Phi Beta Kappa Society.
Intellectual achievement is the one qualification for election to the Society, it is the reward for conscientious labor and for work well done. What the "H" is to the athlete, the Phi Beta Kappa key is to the scholar. Of the two the latter is the greater achievement, as comparatively few men go out for athletics whereas the entire University is eligible to this intellectual Society. The Phi Beta Kappa man wins his laurels by long hours in the Library, by hard, ceaseless labor. He is in training for three and four long years and his honor comes to him without glamor. The love of learning is what drives him on; there is no publicity; his a simple reward, yet one full of honor. Statistics show that the men who make Phi Beta Kappa are the kind who make good in after life: they have shown that they have minds and the ability to use them.
To those lucky twenty-four the CRIMSON offers its congratulations. Against a field of several thousand they proved supreme, and well deserve the distinction they have won.
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