
Radio School Will Use Austin Hall

On next Monday Austin Hall, formerly used by the Law School, will be opened for the class work of the Radio School. A large operating room, seating 500 men and equipped with the most modern wireless instruments, is to be one of the features of the building.

In addition to the operating room Austin Hall will furnish three large lecture rooms that will be used in teaching the theory of wireless, and radio work. After Monday, the first six weeks of theoretical instruction will be held in Austin, thus giving much needed space in Pierce Hall for the rapidly growing classes. The use of Austin Hall will allow the Government to increase the size of the Radio School without overcrowding the present quarters. It is expected that the number in the school will be gradually increased until a total of 2,500 are enrolled at all times.

The loss of Austin Hall will not inconvenience the Law School, as the Hall has not been in use for the past few weeks. With an enrollment of many hundred less than last year, the Law School is easily contained in Langdell Hall.
