

On Conserving Hatred.

President Samuel Harden Church of the Carnegie Institute is firmly in sympathy with the exclusion of German music from orchestra programs. He writes: "It is Germany who has made war upon the humanities and upon the human spirit. It is no time to urge the finer things of life while Germany pursues her international debauch of murder, outrage and plunder. Nothing but the lasting scorn of human society can sting that arrogant nation into a penitence that will make safe and good neighbors of them. For anyone, therefore, to demand polite consideration and financial support of anything German would be in ill accord with the rage of battle which his now stirring this nation in its very heart of hearts."

This feeling of recoil, even of hatred, is human enough to be easily comprehensible, but does its stimulation into a frenzy hasten or retard our war-making and is it, therefore, to be encouraged or discouraged? We fail to see how an American, by refusing to hear an orchestra play the music of Mozart or Beethoven, either spites or weakens the Kaiser or adds a bit to our fighting strength. Why not keep our energies within effective channels. --Boston Advertiser.
