
22 Freshmen Awarded Numerals

The following Freshmen who took part in the football game with Yale Saturday will receive their numerals subject to the approval of the Athletic Committee:

Chandler Parsons Anderson, Jr., of New York, N. Y.; Edward Bangs, of Boston; Charles Buckingham Butterfield, Jr., of Chestnut Hill; Maclin Paschall Davis, of Stockbridge; Henry Hardwick Faxon, of Quincy; William Bainbridge Frothingham, of Boston; John Gaston, of Boston; Arthur Dean Hamilton, of Milton; Charles Frederick Havemeyer, of New York, N. Y.; Jabish Holmes, Jr., of New York, N. Y.; Richard Sears Humphrey, of Milton; Reginald Jenney, of Brookline; Henry Parsons King, of Boston; George Cabot Lee, Jr., of Westwood; Francis Bacon Lothrop, of Boston; James Alfred MacDonell, of Lima, O.; Martin Edgar Olmsted, of Harrisburg, Pa.; Robert Minturn Sedgwick, of New York, N. Y.; Carl Senff Stillman, Jr., of Wellesley; Elijah Hubbard Stillman, of Wellesley; Thomas Crane Wales, of Chestnut Hill; manager, John Archibald Sessions, of Northampton.
