


The University will have the privilege of hearing an address by Dr. John R. Mott, LL. D., in the New Lecture Hall this evening at 6.45 o'clock. Dr. Mott, who will speak on the subject, "War Conditions in Russia and Europe," is preeminently fitted to deliver such a war lecture because he probably possesses more first-hand knowledge of the whole complex European situation than any other man in the country.

Since the outbreak of war in 1914, Dr. Mott has visited all five battle fronts, Western, Eastern, Italian, Balkan, and Mesopotamian. He has viewed the fighting forces of all the belligerent European nations except Turkey, in action, and has visited Germany three times during the war; because of his high position in international affairs he has had opportunities seldom enjoyed of analyzing the moving forces and actual conditions of the Central Powers as well as of the Allies.

On War Commission to Russia.

When the United States entered the war on the side of the Allies last spring, Dr. Mott was appointed by President Wilson as a member of the War Commission from this country to Russia. While serving in this capacity, he was able to get in touch with the various military and political leaders of that country, and to form as clear an opinion as possible of the confused situation there. Among other topics upon which he will touch this evening is the scope and character of the German propaganda in Russia. In connection with this point, Dr. Mott has proofs that hundreds of people of German descent have been given United States passports to Russia, and are there actively engaged in spreading broadcast the pro-German influence.

While in Russia, Dr. Mott acted as general representative from the American Y. M. C. A. to the provisional government, and in this way learned the opinion of Russian leaders as to the Y. M. C. A. War Work. He was told by the general commanding the Caucasian front that the only reason his forces had not mutinied as all the other Russian armies had done was because of the work accomplished by the Y. M. C. A. on that front.


In Conference with Kerensky.

In connection with the Y. M. C. A. activities, Dr. Mott was granted a two-hour conference by Premier Kerensky of the provisional government, in which the latter told him that his aid and the assistance of the Y. M. C. A. were absolutely necessary for the morale of the Russian Army. In like manner the governing authorities of France, Great Britain, and Italy have expressed their appreciation of his work, and their need for further efforts along the same lines.

Some realization of the breadth of Dr. Mott's experiences may be gained from the fact that he has visited every large prison camp in the world, having observed the detention quarters of 6,000,000 prisoners of war during these trips.

At present Dr. Mott is in the United States for the purpose of taking charge of the nation-wide campaign to raise $35,000,000 for the Red Triangle War Work, comprising all the war activities carried on by the Y. M. C. A. for the benefit of soldiers from the five countries, England, France, Italy, Russia, and America. The campaign is being undertaken in every city and town of the United States; it is estimated that more than 100,000 people are actively engaged in this national canvass.

Address to Start Promptly at 6.45.

The hour for Dr. Mott's address has been set at 6.45 because he is to deliver another speech this evening, in Tremont Temple at 8.30. He will thus be able to devote a full hour to the University audience, but the meeting must begin promptly at 6.45 P. M. As only those presenting postal cards or tickets will be admitted to the New Lecture Hall, all members of the University should procure tickets at Phillips Brooks House during the day
