

Service for All.

Hearty commendation is due to Secretary BAKER for the wisdom and open-mindedness he has shown in reconsidering the decision that only a part of the young officers now in training should be assigned to service. He now announces that work will be found for practically all, only a very few will go upon the waiting list.

The willingness to change one's mind on good cause shown is one of the essential qualities of an administrative officer or of a statesman. The original decision was disheartening to the men now in training, its execution would have imposed real hardship upon those not selected for immediate service. But the foundation reason for reserving the order was the need of the army. The national army in a very short time will require the service of all the men from the training camps. It would have been a mistake to return them, over temporarily, to civil life, because of the impairment in condition and efficiency which would result. The men in training for officers' service will bless the name of Secretary BAKER. --New York Times.
