Coach Wallace lined two Freshmen elevens against each other in the final scrimmage of the season yesterday. Every play was thoroughly rehearsed under playing conditions, and the smooth working of the defensive formations was especially emphasized. No attempt at scoring was made as the ball was shifted about the field to illustrate different conditions. The backfield of Team A played a fast game, R. S. Humphrey particularly eluding the B defence for long gains. J. A. MacDonnell, playing in place of A. D. Hamilton put up a strong game on the defensive. There were changes in the line also, Coach Wallace allowing two regulars a day's rest. J. Holmes, a 187-pound guard form Middlesex, who has been with the squad for only two weeks showed up well in M. E. Olmsted's position, and G. G. Lee took right end. E. Stillman's kicking featured on Team B.
The emphasis on teamwork and accuracy showed good results in the scrimmage. The team played more as a unit, the line charging low and hard, and opening wide holes for the backs. The backfield coordinated their work with the line play, picking the holes well and providing good interference.
The team has shown a great deal of improvement ever since the Princeton game in which it played better than at any time previously this season. The players handle the ball much more accurately and are making fewer fumbles.
Practice today will be light in view of yesterday's stiff practice, and it is probable that other regulars will be given the day off to prevent any chance of their becoming over trained. Thursday and Friday will be occupied in a final rehearsal of the plays and the coaches will give long blackboard drills to explain the entire assortment of formations.
Friday afternoon the Freshman class will march to the field to cheer the team in its last practice. The Class will start from Smith Halls at 2 o'clock. The Freshmen will practice early on that day in order that the Yale team may have the use of the field the latter part of the afternoon.
Tickets for the Yale Freshmen game are on sale at the H. A. A., and Leavitt & Peirce's at $1.10, including the war tax. A cheering section is reserved for the Freshmen.
Team A presented the following lineup yesterday:
Anderson, l.e.; Faxon, l.t.; Holmes, l.g.; Havemeyer, c.; Stillman, r.g.; Frothingham, r.t.; Lee, r.e.; Wales, q.b.; MacDonell, l.h.b.; Lothrop, r.h.b.; Humphrey, f.b.
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