

The New Reserve Officers.

It is hard to believe that the War Department will carry out its threat to call to the colors only fifty per cent of the graduates of the second training camps for reserve officers. To commission the remainder and send them to their homes for an indefinite period without pay would be a breach of promise on the part of the Government. The training camps full quota of officers would be immediately required. In consequence thousands of men beyond draft age gave up their jobs and suspended many responsibilities in the belief that their services were really needed. If these men pass their examinations for commission they are entitled to be used either for further training, or with troops. Such was the promise when they went into camp, and the Government owes it to them as well as to its own self-respect, to keep that promise. It would also be a military blunder to send half the graduates home, have them break training, and subject them to the humiliation of being dependents upon their families when many of them have hitherto be help in to support their families. Officers of the general staff, divisional commanders, and the commandants of the training camps are almost unanimous in their protest against the blunder, but their protest against the blunder, but their protests will not be heed unless the War Department hears for the country. --Boston Transcript.
