

"Carrying On" to be Subject of Address in Phillips Brooks House.

Major Ian Hay Beith of the British Army, author of "The First Hundred Thousand," will deliver an address before a meeting of law and graduate students of the University, to be held in the Phillips Brooks House tomorrow evening at 8 o'clock. The subject of the talk, as announced by Major Beith, will be "Carrying On," and his words will deal with conditions in the war at present and with his own experiences and impressions during his most recent visit to the trenches on the Western Front.

The meeting tomorrow evening will be held under the joint auspices of the Law School Society and the Graduate School Society and will be open exclusively to men in the law and graduate schools. It is the second of a series of addresses given by prominent men before the graduate students, the first having been delivered by Dr. Henry Van Dyke, former United States Ambassador to the Netherlands.
