A committee has been appointed to take charge of a movement to encourage interest throughout the University in the new liberty loan and to manager a campaign to stimulate the sale of the bonds among undergraduates. It is composed of the following men: Francis Whiting Hatch '19, of Medford, chairman; George C. Barclay '19, of Medford, chairman; George C. Barclay '19 of New York, N. Y.; Waldron P. Belknap, Jr., '20, of New York, N. Y.; George A. Brownell '19, of New York, N.Y.; Dexter C. Hawkins '20, of New York, N. Y.; John Royce Meeker '21, of New York, N. Y.; and Franklin E. Parker, Jr., '18, of Bay City, Michigan. The committee will meet today at 2 o'clock in the CRIMSON Building to formulate plans for the campaign. Sub-committees will be appointed later, and the organization of these committees will be arranged with a view to the highest possible efficiency in bringing about a universal response in the college to the needs of the country. Arrangements are to be completed with the various banks in Cambridge by which weekly and monthly instalments on subscriptions may be made.
A canvass of the University by individuals and a publicity campaign will be conducted by the committees. The enormous size of the bond issue, combined with the fact that subscription close on November first have made necessary the support of all sections of the country. To the colleges and Universities, especially, a strong appeal for assistance has been made.
The bonds bear interest at four percent. The entire amount may be paid at once, or two percent on application, followed by payments of 18 percent on November 15, 40 per cent on December 15, and 40 per cent on January 15.
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