

It is with unaffected loyalty that the University, and the Corps which represents the military preparation of the University, welcomes the appointment of Major Flynn.

It is not an honor which the War Department has shown the Corps, for the War Department does not deal in honors. It is a recognition of merit.

The simplest, the most proper, and the only return which may be made is to justify the implied confidence of our national leaders of war by service. That permits of no shallow conception of the purpose of the Corps, and no evasion of duty.

The Corps was not established to promote the military instincts of its leaders, nor to make a pretty showing at ranks and files on parade, nor yet to give men the heroic protection of the uniform without the blood and sacrifice whereby the uniform is justified. The Corps was established to prepare us leaders of war, and that purpose will not be evaded.

Our new military leader will find in the men under his command a spirit of service and a zeal for learning that will do full honor to his instruction. Those men who last year trained in the first R.O.T.C. will be followed into actual service by men not less eager for duty, and not less skilled in the fine science of war.
