At a meeting of the elected members of the University Musical, Clubs last evening, it was decided to continue the work of both the Glee Club and the Instrumental Clubs. Trials will begin next Tuesday and Wednesday evenings for singing, and mandolin and banjo candidates.
The competition for the position of second assistant manager of the Musical Clubs will begin Monday evening, Candidates for this position should report in Randolph 3 at 7 o'clock. The work consists largely of arranging concerts and the details of trips. Candidates therefore, whether successful or not, gain valuable business experience. They also accompany the Clubs on trips.
Dr. A. T. Davison '06 will direct the Glee Club as in former years. Candidates will report to him next Tuesday and Wednesday evenings in the Glee Club room of the Music Building at 7 o'clock. F. H. Stevens '18 will be in charge of the Instrumental Clubs. Their trials will take place Tuesday and Wednesday evenings in Randolph 3 at 7 o'clock. At that time, all men playing the mandolin, mandola banjo, banjeurine, tenor banjo, guitar, violin, cello, clarinet, or traps will be given a chance to show their ability. Everyone should bring a selection to play, memorized if possible. Ability to play two instruments, although desirable, will not be a requirement. These trials for both Clubs are open to the Classes of 1918, 1919, 1920, and 1921.
There will be a number of concerts this year, many of them in this vicinity, on which it will be possible to take all members. Arrangements are also being made for several trips. There will be no Intercollegiate Glee Club meet next March.
Many vacancies on the Musical Clubs caused by former members leaving college will have to be filled. There is a great opportunity, therefore, for Freshmen who can sing at all or play an instrument. Freshmen singing will be especially emphasized and there will be chances for men of the Class of 1921 to make both the Glee and the Instrumental Clubs.
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Polity Club Inaugurates Season