

No Scoring Attempted in Stiff Practice Preparatory to Dean Game.

A thirty-five minute scrimmage with the Radio School team featured yesterday's practice of the informal University squad. In this first football of the season no attempt at scoring was made by either side, but the ball was shifted from team to team to emphasize particular points of offense and defense. The University eleven was given the ball the greater part of the time, and was able by long end runs and a few guard and tackle plays to take it down the field at will. Delayed pass formations also were very successful. One forward pass from F. C. Church '20 to R. G. Stone '20, out two tried, was completed for a 15 yard gain.

The scrimmage was the best possible training for the informal team in preparation for the game Saturday with Dean Academy at Franklin. Today a second and probably last scrimmage before the game is to be held with the Freshman team. Several of the men had to leave for the lecture in Military Science 2, so that many substitutions were made before the practice was over.

The line-up of the teams was as follows: Informal University.  Radio School. Whitney, Stone, l. e.  r. e. Harmon, Ransom Stubbs, Woods, l. t.  r. t. Dobbs Zach, Francis, l. g.  r. g. Holmes Fishback, W. Hoffman, Coleman, c.  c. Hughes Thorndike, r. g.  l. g. McKenzie Woods, Rudman, r. t.  l. t. Peck Higgins, Perkins, r. e.  l. e. Taylor Works, R. Hoffman, q. b.  q. b. Richter Weden, Hallowell, r. h. b.  l. h. b. Kolf Church, l. h. b.  r. h. b. Tuttle Horween, Crosscup, f. b.  f. b. Thatcher
