

Dr. Davison's Organ Recitals Will Also Be Held as in Past Years.

The annual series of Expositions of Chamber Music by Mr. Arthur Whiting and assisting artists has been announced for the coming winter. The recitals will be given in the John Knowles Paine Concert Hall of the Music Building. Dr. Davison's series of organ recitals will also be held as in the past in the various chapels connected with the University.

The organ, recitals will be given on Tuesday evenings in turn in St. John's Memorial Chapel of the Episcopal Theological School, in Appleton Chapel, and in Andover Chapel. The schedule is as follows:

Nov. 6, at St. John's Chapel.

Nov. 27, at Appleton Chapel.

Dec. 11, at Andover Chapel.


Jan. 8, at St. John's Chapel.

Feb. 5, at Appleton Chapel.

Feb. 26, at Andover Chapel.

March 12, at St. John's Chapel.

April 9, at Appleton Chapel.

May 7, at Andover Chapel.

These recitals are open to the public.

The Whiting concerts will be held on Thursday evenings as follows: November 22, December 20, January 24, February 14, and March 28. These expositions are open, without charge for admission, to all officers and students in the University, and to members of the Naval Radio School and the Naval Cadet School.
