


The annual regatta of the fall rowing season begins tomorrow and will be concluded on Friday afternoon. The regatta will open with the comp and wherry races, which will start at 3.30 o'clock and will be over the half-mile stretch up-stream. The comp races are open to all undergraduates who have not rowed in singles, and the wherry races are open to all undergraduates who have not rowed in comps. Several heats will be held if the number of entries make them necessary, and medals will be given to the winners.

These races are held primarily for novices, as most of the contestants will be comparatively inexperienced. Blue books are now at Leavitt and Peirce's, the three Freshmen dormitories, and the Newell Boathouse, in which men who wish to enter may sign their names.

Dormitory Races Friday.

On Friday, two eight-oared races will take place. The first will be between two crews picked from the Freshmen and upper-classmen who have been rowing this fall. These eights will race down-stream over the one mile course from the Cottage Farm to the Harvard Bridge. In the other race the first and second eights of Standish, Gore, and Smith Halls will compete for the Slocum Cup, which was won last year by the Standish crew. The members of the winning crews will receive individual medals.

The contest for the Filley Cup between the Eliot and Thayer crews has usually been a part of the fall regatta, but this year it was held a week earlier, Thayer winning by three-fourths of a length last Friday.


Four Crews to be Kept Going.

After the regatta, Coach Brown will choose two upper-class crews and will coach them for two or three more weeks. Coach Haines will choose two similar crews from the Freshmen and will give them additional instruction for the same length of time. At the end of the training period, the outdoor fall rowing season will close with a race between these four crews.
