

Competition Based on Number of Pictures Printed in Magazine.

With its larger accommodations and the increased size of its issues, the Illustrated will call out photographic candidates today. The competition is open to Juniors, Sophomores, and Freshmen. New men are to report at the office at 1246 Massachusetts Avenue tomarrow at 7.45. The competition is based on the number of photographs printed, and will last for about 12 weeks. The increase in the size of the issues will call for more positions, and with the already depleted staff, there is an excellent opportunity for new men. The paper is to be enlarged to the new magazine size, and will include a larger number of photographs than ever before.

No previous experience is necessary for the photographic competition. The candidates will be provided with cameras, and will be permitted to make use on the new, fully equipped dark room. Snapshots of events about Cambridge and action pictures will find space in the paper, as well as pictures of college buildings, and other interesting objects. There will be 16 issues during the year, of which the first is now in the press. Business candidates reporting at this time will not be seriously handicapped.
