Football, like other sports, is taking a modest place in the scheme of young men's activities. Yet what football there is, will undoubtedly be well worth watching. In the middle ages the CRIMSON players used to shudder at the Eli menace. Today "the informals," those loyal survivors of the sport in the University, are facing a foe more formidable than the Bulldog in his halcyon days. Whereas "All American" elevens have in the past been mythical, they may in the near future be actual organizations. Each military cantonment plans to have its team.
At Ayer, for instance, Capt. C. A. Coolidge, Jr., '17, divisional athletic coach, will soon be looking over the men in khaki in search of likely material. Not the usual hundred men will be at his disposal; instead, he is at liberty to draw from thousands. Many will have a gridiron past, many will have spent their leisure hours at the blacksmith's trade, but all will be eager for a friendly scrimmage before the real kick-off on the other side.
In all probability the spirit of football will not suffer.
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