The dramatic, in both diplomatic and military fields of the war, is so constant and absorbing, that the casual American tends to overlook the vital changes that are slowly and surely taking place in the relations between North and South America. The friendly spirit which has intermittently characterized our Latin American policy has been overshadowed by the tactlessness which we have shown on more than one occasion. The interpretation which certain of our Presidents have placed upon the Monroe doctrine, and our only too evident fondness for buying up available islands lying off the South American coast have been construed in hostile light. It is always easy to read selfishness, greed, and underhandedness into every ordinary international act; it should take but one sublimely unselfish action to dispel such suspicions against the government of that state.
This has been the result of our declaration of war on Germany. With no territorial ambition, we have entered a desperate struggle, merely in defense of freedom and neutral rights. Latin America, emotional, idealistic, and ever ready to respond to chivalrous action, has followed suit, and already a goodly number of her states have severed relations with Germany and lent their moral support to the Allies. A great advance has been made in the feeling of Pan-American unity, which with tact and prudence on the part of our diplomats, should lead to an understanding and friendship of lasting benefit to both continents.
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