The Cosmopolitan Club will hold a meeting in Peabody Hall, Phillips Brooks House this evening at 8 o'clock. This will be the first of several meetings and conferences which the foreign students of Cambridge have planned for the end of this week. About 300 students have been invited to the meeting tonight.
President F. Vela, 1M, of the club, will preside and there will be four speakers. Charles D. Hurrey is coming from New York where he is chairman of the committee on friendly relations with foreign students. Professor R. H. Lord '06, Mr. Chuan and Dr. D. G. Montt, who is honorary Consul from Chile and an expert on foreign trade, will speak.
On Saturday an expedition to Lincoln House is planned. The work of this active social settlement house will be explained by its superintendent. All who are interested are invited. In the evening the students will be entertained by the Boston Y. M. C. A.
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