

Today the R. O. T. C. makes its formal debut as a military organization under full equipment. Last Saturday's parade was merely practice; we now come face to face with our first test.

To make this review a success means concentrated effort on everyone's part; it means a full attendance with each man clad in complete uniform. Up to the present this has been impossible. Today we must all be in the uniform prescribed.

To hold the esteem of the War Department gained by last summer's corps should be the ambition of every man. The success or failure of this inspection depends for the most part on the men newly enrolled. That the officers and non-commissioned officers will do credit to the University we know. They are veterans of many a review: Joffre, Wood, and Edwards have praised them,--they are the best amateur troops in the country. So it is up to the members of Military Science 1.

These men have no easy task,-- eight or nine hours of training is very little in preparation for so important an event. It is like having the Yale football game in the middle of October and expecting to see a finished football machine. Secretary Baker cannot expect too much; nevertheless, the new men by a little conscientious effort can do a great deal for the fame of the Corps and thus help make the Secretary's visit worth while.
