
From Feast Day to Fast Day.


For many years it has been a matter of regret that Thanksgiving Day, instead of being a religious festival, suited to the harvest season, was deteriorating into an excuse for over-eating. The original significance of the day had been overlaid with football games to such an extent that the Pilgrim fathers would have had hard work to recognize it.

This year Thanksgiving Day will be a solemn time. We have been asked to make it a day of fasting rather than a day of feasting. With many of us this will be making a virtue of necessity; but few thoughtful people will feel disposed to make the day one of hilarity. This is a grim and gray time, like the month in which Thanksgiving Day occurs. The constant sense of the country being at war is a drain on the Nation's spiritual forces, and such an anniversary is a time to renew those forces from which a people's moral strength is drawn. --Boston Globe.
