
Reserve Officers' Training Corps

General Order No. 9. October 22, 1917.

1. The following section instructors are herewith appointed:

G. H. Chase, Wm. M. Cole, R. G. Fuller, W. F. Harris, W. F. C. Hersey, H. S. Langfeld, L. J. A. Mercier, W. B. Munro, Chas. Peabody, R. B. Perry, E. K. Rand, G. I. Reymer, F. W. Rogers, A. W. Scott, H. L. Smyth, L. D. Steefel, Joseph Warren.

Those members who do not hold special assignments, and who are not members of the regiment are entitled to the relative rank of 1st lieutenant.   WM. F. FLYNN,   Major, U. S. A. Retd.,   Commanding.

Notice.   October 23, 1917.


1. It is expected that the uniforms will arrive tomorrow the 24th, and the Supply Room will be kept open afternoon and evening for their distribution. Men without uniforms cannot appear in the exercise to be held for the Secretary of War.

2. Men in 1st and 2nd Battalions with out uniforms will secure them between 2 and 4. Members of Companies I and K without uniforms will receive them at 4; Companies L and M at 6.30.

3. First and Second Battalion Supply Sergeants report at Supply Room at 1.45; Third Battalion Supply Sergeants at 6.20.

Men who volunteered for Fresh Pond will not be needed.   R. G. FULLER,   Captain, R. O. T. C.,   Regimental Adjt.

General Orders No. 10.   October 23, 1917.

1. The Regiment will receive the Honorable Secretary of War at Fresh Pond on Thursday the 25th inst., at 9.45 o'clock A. M., as follows:

2. The regiment will be formed as for review in line of masses, the right of the first battalion resting on or near the out line trench in front of the field fortifications, the line facing toward the drive way along the shore of the pond.

3. After the Secretary has inspected the regiment, the company organized under the new tables will be formed and the organization demonstrated under direction of Lieutenant Morize.

4. The demonstration will terminate by the companies debouching in assaulting waves from the first line trench.

5. The trenches will then be exhibited to the Secretary and party from the first line to the redoubt under guidance of Lieutenant Morize.

6. The regiment will reassemble and at command will break into a column of squads from the right and march past the Secretary at some point to be selected on the return route, officers and the regimental color saluting.

7. Battalion commanders will take command of their battalions and have them in position on the line specified in Par. 1, promptly at the hour named with out further instructions.

8. All participants in this exercise are excused from college appointments during the morning of October 25th.

9. No one must appear in the regiment on this occasion except in uniform.   WILLIAM F. FLYNN,   Major, U. S. A., Retired.
