The Liberty Loan Committee of Cambridge will give a patriotic mass meeting in Sanders Theatre this afternoon at 4 o'clock. President Lowell will preside at the meeting. Senator Henry Cabot Lodge '71, who is one of the best informed men on foreign diplomatic relations in the country, and Judge J. A. Fassett, who has made a campaign tour of the western states to stimulate subscriptions to the second loan issue, will be among the speakers. Several other well known Cambridge and Boston men will address the gathering. Arrangements have been made by the Committee with the Glee Club and a regular Boston orchestra to furnish music.
Seats will be reserved for ticket holders until 3.55 but there will be sufficient room for all members of the University. The meeting is open to the public. Tickets may be obtained by applying at the Liberty Bond Committee headquarters.
No money will be collected during the meeting, but afterwards there will be desks in the arch-way and in Memorial Hall where people may subscribe to the bonds.
President Lowell, the speakers, and guests of honor will be met at Lafayette Square, near Central Square, on their way from Boston at about 3.30 by the Radio School Cadets, and a body of Boy Scouts, and be escorted by them to Sanders Theatre, arriving there at about 4 o'clock.
The following is a list of the ushers chosen from the college, who will report at Sanders Theatre at 3.25 o'clock: J. W. Angell '18, G. S. Baldwin '21, A. H. Bright '19, J. Churchill '21, W. Dexter '19, F. H. Fisher '19, C. H. Fiske '19, P. Hofer, '21, C. Hunneman '21, C. H. Hymans '21, B. Lewis '20, E. A. McCouch '20, C. Mellen, Jr., '20, H. Perrin '20, D. L. Richardson '18, R. M. Sedgewick '21, Q. A. Shaw '19.
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