


The final figures representing the amount of bonds subscribed through the Liberty Bond Committee of the University were given out last evening, and the number of subscribers in the University shown to be 343. The reports of all the eight teams have been entered, bringing the total to $35,370 for the campaign of Liberty Bond Week. Team 5 now leads the competition with a sum of $7,200 collected. Team 6 has second place with $6,650. This amount is more than the Committee had expected or hoped for, and the result of last week's drive shows the campaign to have been a success. The outcome was in large measure due to the zeal of the members of the teams in canvassing the college buildings. The most noticeable observation to be made is the response which men of moderate means gave to the loan and the large number of $50 subscriptions. There were, however, several $1,000 bonds taken and many ranging between that amount and $100.

Hold Mass Meeting Tonight.

A Liberty Loan Mass Meeting will be held this evening at 8 o'clock in Tremont Temple, and the speakers include the Honorable Franklin K. Lane, Secretary of the Interior; Honorable Leslie M. Shaw, Ex-Secretary of the Treasury; and Honorable Samuel Winslow, the presiding officer.

The New England Liberty Loan Committee has emphasized the fact that the bonds of the second issue are to be delivered to the purchasers on time. The first loan was handled through temporary arrangements, while the second is in the hands of a permanent and efficient organization. The actual bonds of the second issue are already on sale in some Federal Reserve Districts, and it is expected that by November 15, the actual date of the loan, a sufficient number of bonds to meet the demand will be prepared in Washington and ready for issue here.

The progress of the Liberty Loan throughout the United States has improved during the last few days, but the average daily subscriptions must still increase very largely if the goal of $5,000,000,000 is to be reached next Saturday night.
