
$4,300 for Phillips Brooks House

The competition of the three teams collecting money for the Phillips Brooks House closed last night with a total of $3,734.10 gained in addition to a sum of about $500 which was collected by a non-competing team in the Senior dormitories and by other agencies. This makes the final total approximately $4,300, far exceeding the amount collected in previous years in spite of the reduced size of the college, and almost reaching the goal of $5,000 which was set up for the collectors to reach by C. Canfield '19, in charge of the collection. Although the official competition has been closed, contributions are still being received, and some of the teams expect more gifts soon.

When the collection ended last evening, the three teams stood as follows:

Team 3, G. A. Brownell '19, captain, $1,291.10.

Team 1, F. Parkman '19, captain, $1,263.00.

Team 2, R. E. Gross '19, captain, $1,180.00.
