In spite of savings of about $200,000 through smaller faculty salary lists, Yale this year will have a deficit of more than a quarter of a million dollars. The exact estimate of a loss of $258,866 does not include new gifts which may be made during the year, especially from the Alumni Fund.
A gift of $500,000 from Mrs. Stephen B. Harkness was announced at the corporation meeting. The gift will be used to pay for a new heating system now under construction. A gift of $25,000 for a special publication fund by Arthur M. Brown of Newcastle, Indiana, and members of his family was also announced.
The total registration for this year is 2122. as against 3262 last year. There was shown to be a decrease of 117 university officers. Yale as a whole has lost about 35 per cent. of the number enrolled last year.
A special vote of thanks was passed by the corporation to members of the French war commission for their aid in getting a battery of seventy-five millimeter guns for use of the Reserve Officers' Training Corps at Yale. It had been feared that no guns at all would be available, since the War Department had said that no American pieces could be spared.
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