


Leo Henry Leary '05, field coach of the 1916 University football team was at the field yesterday to help drill the Freshman squad. During the rest of the season he will be out with the team several days a week in order to whip the team into shape for its later games. After directing a long drill in drop kicking and in running through plays, Coach Leary expressed his views on the football situation as follows:

"The Freshmen have a light team; but it is well grounded and shows the results of Head Coach Wallace's long drills on fundamentals. A great deal of work, however, is ahead of the squad before the games with Princeton and Yale in November. Beside the present offensive which the team has been taught, a new and more varied attack must be mastered before 1921 has a finished team. So much work must be done with the Freshmen that it is doubtful whether I will be able to spend much time with the informal squad. As yet I have not watched them long enough so that I can express any opinion about them. I shall endeavor to be on the field a few afternoons each week in an advisory capacity."

J. L. Knox '98, who for several seasons has assisted in developing the University backfield was also at the practice. For the next ten days, he will spend considerable time in watching the Freshman backs and will aid in beginning the new offensive. "When the crudeness of the team's play wears off, and the men become familiar with their positions, the Freshman eleven will be a strong aggregation," was his comment after practice.

Today the Boston College squad will play a practice game with the Freshmen eleven at 3 o'clock.

The Boston squad is coached by C. E. Brickley '15, former captain of the University eleven, and so has been taught characteristic University plays. It will probably be their second team which will play against the Freshmen. As the Freshmen have as yet no game scheduled for Saturday, today's contest will be the last outside competition which the team will have before the Worcester Academy game October 27.


In a long scrimmage in which both teams appeared about equal Rindge Technical School and the third Freshmen team met yesterday on Soldiers Field. No attempt at scoring was made and the ball was given to each team at the wish of the coaches.

Secret practice for the informal University was held for the second time in praparation for the game Saturday with the artillerymen.
