The local committee of the National Security League has expressed the desire that a large delegation from the University be present at the "Win the War Meeting" in Tremont Temple at 8 o'clock tomorrow evening. Its purpose will be to arouse national enthusiasm and a closer interest in the war. The Hon. John L. Bates is to preside, and Governor McCall will speak. The other speakers are the Hon. James M. Beck of New York and Dr. John Douglas Adam. Mr. Beck is the author of "The Evidence of the Case" and other war documents. Dr. Adam has been in the trenches in France and has just returned from a speaking tour through England in company with various Cabinet members which he made at the invitation of the Government of Great Britain.
The meeting will be preceded by an exhibition of Signal Corps work to be given by a detachment of sailors from the Navy Yard. This exhibition will begin at 7 o'clock and at its conclusion the sailors will march to the meeting.
Other detachments of soldiers and sailors will also be present and a United States Artillery Band will furnish music.
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