


The possibility of Secretary of War Baker's inspecting the University R. O. T. C. was announced last night. Mr. Baker will visit Boston on the 25th of this month and he has written to President Lowell concerning the chances of his reviewing the new regiment. It would be the first official inspection of the corps this year, and the fifth since its inception. The others were by Marshal Joffre, Major-General Edwards, Colonel Azan and Lieutenant Ross.

An important review so early in the year will mean hard intensive drill from now until the twenty-fifth. Already, most of the company commanders have made it possible for the men with no previous military training to have the benefit of the undivided attention of their cadet officers and non-commissioned officers during an extra drill period. As yet, no other plans have been made for extra drill, with the exception of the Military Science 2 work on Thursday afternoons.

Rifles Next Week.

Rifles will be issued next week. On Monday, the Third Battalion will be supplied; on Tuesday, the First and Second Battalions. The pieces will, be necessarily greasy, and all men are expected to bring rags with which to clean them. Arrangements have been made so that cadets may take their rifles to their rooms, but it will be possible for men living out of town to leave them in the gun-racks in Smith Hall.

The University is now making arrangements for the purchase of an extra lot of uniforms for the Corps. No uniforms are to be issued today, owing to the fact that the supply is exhausted.
