

Professor Beard's Resignation.

(We invite all men in the University to submit communications on subjects of timely interest, but assume no responsibility for sentiments expressed under this head.)

To the Editors of the CRIMSON:

May I call attention to the resignation of Professor Beard of Columbia because he believes that university to be "under the control of a small and active group of trustees who have no standing in the world of education, who are reactionary and visionless in politics, narrow and medieval in religion"? No more inspiring act in the struggle of intellect against political control has taken place in the last few years. The vociferous martyrdom of Dr. Scott Nearing in the cause of "acadamic freedom," coupled with its demands for three-cent fares in these times of rising operating costs and his recent connection with the People's Council, cast doubt upon the value of his protestations; but certainly there are few more progressive, independent, and pro-American men than Professor Beard, and his clear and voluntary protest should have some effect toward placing the proper forces in control of Dr. Butler and Columbia. C. LAPORTE '16.
